Road Closures & Transportation
See which Memphis streets will be completely or partially closed.
Times are estimates and subject to change. Roads will open as soon as the last runner passes. Please avoid traveling in/out of areas during time of impact. If necessary, go slow, be aware and yield to law enforcement and runners.
Waze Navigation & Live Traffic
Use the Waze app on race day for real-time directions around road closures.
Uber and Lyft drop-off/pickup locations
115 Riverside Dr. (Tennessee Welcome Center) Available all day. Access in and out through I-40 ramp only.
S. Lauderdale St. (Between Beale St. and Union Ave.) Available all day.
When do I arrive for my race and where do I park?
Parking and accessing downtown
Due to road closures, participants and spectators should plan to be downtown and parked prior to 6:15 a.m. Please refer to the parking map below for recommended parking areas. Green area parking will be accessible all day and allow for a timely exit from downtown. For yellow area parking, vehicles must be parked by 6:15 a.m. and can only exit after 11:15 a.m. Parking is not allowed within the red area. Thank you!
Please click the colored areas and individual icons for additional information specific to those locations.
The average charge for parking is $10. Go slow, be aware and yield to law enforcement and runners. Let’s make it a safe race day for everyone.
Where do I find my corral assignment?
Your assigned start corral letter will be printed on your bib. Your corral assignment is based on your estimated finish time. At the start line, look for the elevated sign with your assigned corral letter. Race officials will check your bib at the start corral entry point to ensure you are at the proper corral. Upon race start, follow the directions of race officials to keep moving forward through the start line.
How do I find a pace group?
Visit the Pace Team booth at the Expo for further details.
Spectator Guide

How can my family and friends track me on race day?
For the Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K, runner tracking is available for friends and family to keep track of their runner on the course. Runner tracking will provide updates at several splits, as well as estimated finish times. Download the RTRT.me app.
Will sport drinks and gels be available on course?
The first hydration station will be located between mile marks two and three. Hydration stations will then be approximately every mile from mile marks 3 through 25 with water, lemon-lime Gatorade®, Vaseline®, bandages and portalets available. GU Energy Gel in a variety of flavors will be available at hydration stations near mile marks 10.6, 15.5, 19.2 and 21.5.
Where are the portable restrooms on course?
Portable restrooms are located just beyond each hydration station.
Where can I find my friends and family after my race?