
Why do we need shotcrete?

High-quality, durable sprayed concrete (shotcrete) has become a vital component of ground support and stabilization. Due to its nature as a spray-applied material, sprayed concrete offers excellent surface sealing and ground strengthening as it perfectly fits the excavation contour, hardening and gaining strength in a remarkably short time frame. Master Builders Solutions offers a wide range of admixtures, including our fast-setting alkali-free accelerator series MasterRoc SA, for addition during concrete batching and on-site that helps you achieve early- and long-term strength in ground support. We bring all of our expertise together and offer you..

  • Solutions for durable and permanent applications
  • Structural fibers for advanced support design
  • Tailored products to suit specific site requirements and ensure compatibility to local cements
  • Know-how and expert advice for sustainable construction.
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