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The economy begins to gain slow momentum after the budget-crushing storm of 2009 and 2010, and event marketers rebound, too, working smarter with less and going where they’ve never gone before. Working smarter in 2011 also means finding untapped audiences. Unique consumer preferences, passions and behaviors begin to drive entire programs. The beleaguered trade show industry shows signs of a comeback, too, thanks to new high-tech tools and data collection strategies.

Some brands are saying goodbye to the scripted and prompted trade-show presenter—like Intel, which drops the ear-prompter-style ambassador in favor of pairing its employees with pro product presenters to create a lively mix of expertise and entertainment.

Culture-based brand experiences whisk consumers away without ever leaving the States—like, Barilla Academy’s six-week Summer of Italy cultural program featuring a series of activities ranging from cooking classes to a free concert in Central Park featuring Andrea Bocelli.

Boeing executes its biggest-ever 747-8 reveal with 10,000 employees witnessing a massive kabuki drop inside a hangar transformed into an event space with theater seating, screens and a stage.

Dial for Men hosts Camp Dirt—a getaway at a Colorado Ranch designed with dirty activities built to engage men and then get them clean. Bull dozer drag racing and a mud slide are a part of the mix.